New Scientific Discovery Scientists Discover A Shocking New Cause Of B…

페이지 정보

작성자 Cheryle
댓글 0건 조회 195회 작성일 23-06-05 22:20


Are you trying to lose weight no matter how much you diet or exercise? It turns out it's not your fault.

In 2023, after examining over 170 years of scientific data, a team of scientists discovered just one common factor in all overweight men and women - poor metabolic flexibility. And something is common in thin people? Good metabolic flexibility!

Metabolic flexibility is the body's ability to increase the rate at which it burns calories as needed...

A bit like a car that can change gears to increase speed.

If you have low metabolic flexibility, your calorie burn rate is consistently very low...

It's like your metabolism is permanently stuck in first gear.

On the other hand, with good metabolic flexibility...

Your metabolism will automatically increase your calorie burn rate when needed, allowing more calories to be burned as clean energy...

Instead of being stored as fat.

Studies show that with good metabolic flexibility, you can automatically burn up to six times more fat and put your body into full fat-burning mode calories on autopilot...


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